FAQ Nomination Phase

When will I know if I have been nominated?

You will not receive any communication telling you that your company is nominated in any category. The easiest way is to go to www.datanewsawards.be from March 17th to find out if your company is indeed included among the nominees in a specific category.
The voting phase runs from March 17th to April 6th, midnight.

Can I nominate multiple projects and that in 1 or more categories?

Yes, you can nominate multiple companies within the same category.
You can also nominate one or more companies in different categories.

When should the nominated project be realized / Should it already be delivered or may it still be in the mock-up phase?

This is about nominating companies and not projects developed by companies.

Can I nominate a project on which several IT companies have collaborated?

This is about nominating companies and not projects developed by one or more companies.

Should it be a national project or may it also be an international project?

This is about nominating companies and not projects developed by one or more companies, Belgian or international.